Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gulliver's Travel and the story behind it

post by una hamzah time 1:56 PM 0 comment
In the end Gulliver was right.No small work in this whole entire world just there is only small people neglected their own function and meaning in life.So, no matter what job u are doing right now big or small it is still a job and u still have to give it all out.Not to forget get out from your comfort zone,try new thing and challenge yourself.In achieving success, keep a good ethics.Do not cheat or lie or manipulate others.But wait, who the hell is Gulliver?

                        Black Jack is the 2010 Gulliver's version

Here some review i have for u guys.

Gulliver (Black Jack) is a loser in the mail room of magazine company and secretly admires a travel editor, Darcy (Amanda Peet).OMG Amanda Peet is so gorgeous and natural!! Ok back to the movie, Gulliver cheated about his several traveling experiences where in fact he never travel anywhere and bluffs his way into a travel assignment in the Bermuda Triangle in an attempt to impressed Darcy but unfortunately ends up at a land of the little people called Lilliput. In accident, Gulliver then becomes a Lilliput’s hero and this time in order to impress Lilliputian he cheated about his life. He claims to be the president and even to be the Jack in the Titanic. What the ****?  Gulliver did manipulated Lilliputian capabilities in building and manufacturing by using his hero status.Gulliver turns Calvin Klein into Galvin Klein. Just imagine
Black Jack in a spender underwear poster with six packs body ?!!!buwhahaha. Big belly turns to six packs??? hahaha.Then Wolverine becomes Gulverine woff woff woff and so many more stupid manipulation.You know guys Black Jack is super cool and super sweet! the movie is funny full with stupid thing.I should say Gulliver's travel is a must watch movie.    

               I watched Gulliver's travels yesterday at
                          Sunway Piramid

  with this two awesome girls. Luckily i have very best and 
                      wonderful people around me.

           we lined up together take picture together

      we ate good food together

take picture again

and again 
 we laughed together 
posed  in a like cute pose

ok enough. that's all

p/s: naseb bek dlm muvie duk sebelah mamat. kalo x i dah gelak 
       kuat kuat tengok Gulliver's Travel ni. haha

Saturday, December 25, 2010

post by una hamzah time 9:28 AM 0 comment
Tiba tiba saya hilang awak
saya risau
saya tak bersedia apa apa
saya tak tahu khabar awak tiap tiap hari
awak hepi ke sedih hari ni?
dah makan ke?

saya sangat terasa hati dengan awak
saya bukan nak apa pun dari awak

macamana pun

tapi saya masih tetap akan selalu risaukan awak
jadi awak mesti kena jaga diri baik baik
saya bukan pari pari yang boleh muncul ketika awak susah
tapi kalau awak susah awak masih boleh cari saya
Tahu tak?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

post by una hamzah time 4:31 PM 0 comment
      I AM miss STRONG.
      THAN EVER  

                 kuat x kuat x?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kak Limah Punya Pasal

post by una hamzah time 6:40 PM 0 comment
Arini kita akan berjumpa dengan Kak Limah!Ok tipu, bukan kita tapi saya, my sis and my cousin akan jumpa Kak Limah.Niat nak jumpa Kak Limah punya pasal kiteorang bangun awal kottt!!dalam pukul 9 gitu dah bangun.Seyessss memang ari 2 bangun awal kalo x selalu kiteorang time cuti cuti xde keje kene pukul dulu baru bole bangun.Hahaha tipu tipu tak lawak ok. then siap siap mandi mandi mekap mekap terus gerak. Tp kene settlekan hal my sis dulu gedebak gedebuk baru la bole jumpe Kak Limah.OK Wangsa Maju here i come!!ok x perlu la semangat sgt g wangsa maju je kot husna.

                 Ini akak driver kita pada hari ini.Capek nampak kak

                      Ok.1 2 3 sila buat muka teruja semua!

                     Teruja ilang lepas jam then stuck betul2 depan lori
                     sampah.mekasih.OK,nampak x sy kecikkan saiz pic
                     ni xnk orng sume geli2 muntah2 pastu caka sy
                     tak senonoh ntah ape2 ntah.Nampak x nampak x?

Dapat x kami jumpa Kak Limah? jawapannye x dapat!ok jangan kecewa hampa patah hati sume. Kita g karokeeee!!!

                     Tersipu malu la i nak karoke.suare i x sedap
                            hujan petir guruh bole turun sume

Lepas karoke teran teran melalak semua i still x bole lupe kat Kak Limah.I mesti nk jugak jumpe Kak Limah. Kak Limah ni dah manderem i ape.

                 Jeng jeng jeng..tengok tu tengok tu i dapat jumpa
                                         Kak Limah!

Full punggung panggung tau time 2..Mula2 kecewa dah siap tukar planning nak nengok cite lain. Tapi naseb baik kawan i cik Ina rajin tanye mane tau kot kot ada space lagi bole i menyelit mane2. naseb baik ada,,seat depan skali kot..mendongak je i sepanjang 2 jam 2.Hamekk ko!!xpe..i sanggup lagi 2.Memang Kak Limah ni ada manderem2 i ape ape ni.

                     Macam zomba dapat popcorn ngn coke saiz gedabak

                                          Sila waras skit
            Ok puas hati untuk hari ini.Time kasih cik ina sbb bawak
            saya jalan jalan.Time kasih Kak Limah habeskan duit saya.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


post by una hamzah time 10:04 PM 0 comment
kire2 lg 2 minggu nak masuk NEW YEAR.nampaknye mcm x tecapai aje azam taun 2010 nak ade boypren.ceit.takpe takpe.sila berusaha lg husna!

Friday, December 10, 2010


post by una hamzah time 2:57 PM 0 comment

setaun 8 bulan x update blog ni..Malaysian book of record agak2 tau x aku wat record ni?

cik blog syg dah lame kite x jumpe..laa,nape nangis ni?ni mesti nangis teharu ni kan kan.ok2 jgn kecik ati ngn sy,,sy bkn lupekan sejak 2 3 taun lepas ni sy mmg bz..xpe2,,pasni sy janji sedaye upaya x kan lupekan awak k.

dah2 stop nangis 2